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Women In Manchester For Local Datingin New Hampshire
Learn About Curiepoint Request Friend Status »
  • Date of Birth? 54
  • Sexual Status: straightsingle man

Latest Status: Heart Of Glass

City: Manchester , New Hampshire

Bio: I am, as usual, taking a huge risk in doing this. Frankly, I am not all that certain I am ready to wade into the dating pool again. Maybe I am fulfilling a masochistic need to do this, maybe not. By now, you realize that I have issues; I suppose everyone does. I can promise that I won't prattle on about the last one and what she was all about, unless asked. If you do ask, just be known that it will be at your own peril, as there is much to say. With regards to myself, I like to think that I am a fair-minded, romantic, and very loving person. I have two grown babes, but they will always be an important part of my life. My work is very satisfying and also is very important to me, so I care greatly about doing it well. I suppose that the one thing that has been fundamentally shifted in my outlook is that I no longer believe that love is magical and can cure all things. I have learned that for the most part, it will be taken advantage of. Yes, I know I just ended a sentence in a preposition. I do however believe that if it's real, it's for a lifetime. Dating behind my back, or trolling for other lovers while convincing me that I am the one for you will not go over very well; it's a deal-breaker, in fact. In any case, if you are looking for someone who stands out from every other man, I suggest you look elsewhere than right here. I am reasonably intelligent, and have built up a thick patina of values that are not always politically correct.. I am not racist nor sexist...just realistic. I don't drink at all; nada, zip, zilch. College was many years ago, and I have lost the taste for alcohol. I don't do drugs, and never have beyond exploring curiosity. Again, it was over two decades ago. Oh yeah...I will not post a picture to the website. If you have read this far and are interested, I will send a photo if it's requested. I am not bad looking, but not Brad Pitt by any stretch.

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