How To Hookup With A College Millennial 1

How To Hook Up With A College Millennial

College millennials are a different kind of generation. With the advent of technology and social media, they have a different perspective on relationships and connecting. Therefore, you have to learn about their view on the hook up culture. You must have a smart phone and you must have multiple social media accounts for starters. College millennials do not take relationships as seriously as others do. Therefore, it is important to note that they are more into casual hookups than other generations. Everything is more about physical contact than emotional connection. Most of them using dating apps and prefer to do so instead of hooking up at a bar or nightclub. So, you have to download a dating app and make the connection by registering on online dating websites using the app. That is the first place to start and then go from there.

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The College Student

College students these days are from Generation Y. We call them the millennials or millennial generation and sometimes Generation Z. The generations that came before are usually compared with the generation Y and being criticized for not having any emotional connections or any authentic relationships. However, not because they are young does it mean that they don't have a need for physical contact with the opposite or same sex. Of course, they do have a different approach to romantic or physical relationships unlike their parents or grandparents. This does not mean that their views are necessarily wrong.

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The Hookup Culture

Young adults in college create their own hookup culture, which encompasses anything from an open relationship to casual hookups where sex is the only focus. The older generation will often view this as unacceptable behavior since their focus is creating strong emotional bonds with their partners, but to each - his own. For the college millennial, they are living in the kind of world that involves some of the simple things in life. Their way of exhibiting emotions is by sending text messages, posting on social media and sending tweets. That is how the college generation communicates. And so that is how you would have to hook up with one. For example, a college woman will send a text message at 10PM asking for a casual hookup. Some of them will do group hangouts, which may or may not lead to sex or a relationship, but will show an interest.

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All About Sex

When the millennial arranges a casual hookup that takes place on a futon after dumplings and Six Points, it is not to start a romantic endeavor, but for sex only after having their dumplings and beer. It is not like they feel trapped in choosing the traditional way of venturing into sex. Millennials want to do it their way and technology works best for them. It provides more variety and more sex when millennials can send a text message or make a phone call to a casual hookup partner, indicating that the whole reason for the contact is to have sex. In other words, they don't beat around the bush. So it is easier to hook up with the college millennial for that very reason.

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Download A Hookup Dating App

There are several contributing factors to college millennials avoiding the possibility of having the traditionally serious relationship. For one, the young female adult is more focused on career instead of family life or relationship. For the young woman that is focused on maintaining a career, it is not easy to date because of busy schedules. And so a good date app is the way that most millennials hook up casually. Most of these young millennial women do not have time to do the dating scene and so the online dating app provides a means to an end. So, if you want to hook up with a college millennial, it is best to download the right dating app and get to join some of the best online dating websites so you can begin your search. Make your search specific to college millennials. This will include females from the age of 18 to 35 and males from the ages of 18 to 35. The downloadable dating app will help you get that casual hookup with a young college student.

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Your Viewpoint

In the age of female independence, you will have a challenge on your hands as it relates to casual hookup. This has an effect on the hookup culture as these women are not looking for commitment. They want to have sex when they feel like it and with whomever they feel comfortable and attracted to. Most of these women hang out at Happy Hour after a long week of work. They are usually very conversational so make sure you know your history, music, pop culture, art and other topics of interest. Some may want to talk about issues related to abortion and birth control. So make sure you have a strong viewpoint for a healthy debate.

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Fun is the Priority

Some people might confuse the casual hookup culture with promiscuity among the generation Y population, but they see it differently. The younger generation sees it as a way of enjoying life. So you have to be a fun person too. You cannot approach any millennial with any prejudgment. To them having fun is a priority while they pursue an education. This is why you will find many of them at parties on weekends; just to let their hair down. If you are up to the challenge, you can attend one or two of the parties so you can start the hookup process and get a phone number. The phone is important because that is how they communicate. You are also going to need all the social media account details because most of them spend the majority of their downtime on the Internet.

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The Generations

The older generation tends to argue that the younger generation is all about unprotected sex and too much sexual activity. The younger generation debunks that argument to be false as they are more inclined to protect themselves sexually and they don't spend all day in bed with strangers. They are very particular about their hookup least most of them are. One thing is sure and that is most of them are not into committed or monogamous relationships. They prefer to focus on their education and wait to make that choice, if necessary.

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Going to College

If you want to really have a casual hookup with a college millennial, why not attend college yourself? It is never too late for an education and you might find it appealing, fulfilling and satisfying. It doesn't hurt to do this because in the end, you are the one who will benefit. So, when you are admitted into college, you will have more access to generation Y. You will be able to attend the frat parties and all the college events that generation Y congregates or gathers.

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Online Hookup Dating Websites

Sex is all over the television and Internet. Most millennials have their smart phones and not afraid to use it. Your best bet in hooking up with generation Y is to join an online dating website where they hang out. Most online dating websites have both free and premium membership. You can start with the free membership so that you can conduct your initial search. After you join, you will be given a chance to create your own unique profile including the things that you would like to highlight such as hobby, focus, likes, dislikes, career, fun things to do and anything that may be of interest. Upload a recent picture of yourself. Make sure that you have a profile description that indicates you are looking for a college millennial. This will make a huge difference whether you receive any responses from a generation Y. Once the responses start to come in, you have to make contact right away because other people are trying to do the exact same thing as you.

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The Flirting

If you want to have a casual hookup with a young college adult, you should search the online dating website you joined. Once you find someone you like, then it is time to make contact. But, before you plan the ultimate hookup, it is best that you start flirting with each other. Hopefully, the online dating website that you chose has video chat features where you can physically see each other. If not, you can still be flirty in a text message, one a phone call and in an email message. Flirting could be anywhere from compliments to showing body parts. There is so much you can know and see using video chat.

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LGTB Community

While you are on the online dating site, you should know that generation Y also has their individual sexual preference. Therefore, you should make sure to include your sexual preference in your profile description. If you are part of the LGTB community, then you will find many gay generation Y individuals in the gay club or bar. However, not all are still going to college. While this might be difficult to pull off, there are college lesbians and gay guys that do hang out in certain clubs and bars. Find out where these places of entertainment are and go hang out there. Exposing yourself to these places will give you a better chance to meet one of the college generation Y's you are looking for.

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Satisfying the Urges

College generation Y's are looking for sex to satisfy their urges. To them casual sex eliminates any emotional investment that they may be asked to make. In some instances, they are trying to find ways to experiment their sexuality and be able to enjoy sex at the same time. Some of them may have multiple partners for sex, but will always practice safe sex in most cases. Many of these generation Y individuals will send a text message such as "Want to fuck." This could be appalling to their parents and grandparents, but quite Ok with the millennial. So, you should expect this kind of behavior and think nothing of it. On the online dating site, you are going to get some of these text messages. How will you handle them? You have to go with the flow and play the game according to their hookup culture. Send back a message that says, "Yes, I wanna fvck you. When can we arrange to do it?" Of course, the person at the end of the text message thinks that your message is cool, direct and on point. Yes, they don't like when you beat around the bushes. You have to come at them straight.

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Social Media

These individuals from generation Y hang out on Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter. Each one of these social media network has their own search feature, allowing you to conduct a search for young college adults from this generation. You can chose to follow someone on Twitter and Instagram and make friends with people on Facebook. Either way, you now have an active field to play in. You can make personal comments on someone's page or you can make specific posts that will garner attention and reaction. If you are looking for a casual hookup, by all means say so. Don't beat around the bushes. Millennials love when you are direct and they will give you a direct response or reaction.

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Say What You Want

Don't feel that you have to wait on the millennial to send a text to you first. No, if you want sex, say so and it is OK to be the first one to ask for it. They have no qualms about that and won't judge you accordingly. Make sure the text is short and to the point. Communication is easy with the millennial. It is not mission impossible for them. They know what they want and they ask for what they want. You should too!


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