How To Make Sure She Wont Want More After A Hookup 1

How To Ensure She Won't Want More From You After A Hookup

There are several ways to ensure that a woman won't want more from you after a hookup. First, it will start with setting specific boundaries and expectations, even before you have the actual sexual encounter. Next, you must pay attention to the signs that she is coming on too much to you. And more importantly, tell her as little as possible about your life and if you see it going the other way, nip it in the bud.

These days, many relationships start with a casual hookup, even though, this is opposite from what we were thought as little kids. Traditionally, you are supposed to meet an individual first, then go on a date or two, have some kind of feelings for each other before hitting the sack. It is quite normal for people to do so. When you hook up with someone, there is no commitment for a long term relationship. He or she is just a hookup buddy and nothing else. There should be no personal expectations on your part or on the part of the other person. However, with that being said, it is not always as simple as that. Someone will catch some type of feelings at some time and sometimes, it is hard to stop this. Sometimes, one person will catch feelings and the other person won't. This is when it gets really complicated and difficult. That is why casual hookups don't usually last long.

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The Feelings

If someone starts to have feelings during a hookup, the situation could get uncomfortable. To simplify things, it is better to keep those feelings to oneself rather than to express it. Once someone admits to having feelings, then that is the moment things will get complicated and awkward. While it is going to be difficult to keep those feelings under wrap, it is mandatory to do so. If you are the person at the receiving end of these feelings, then there are things you are going to have to do to remain in control. First, you have to be able to notice the signs that someone is catching feelings so you can know how to deal with it. Let us cover some of those signs that you should look for or pay attention to.

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Asking For More Information

As mentioned before, there are signs that you should notice when a girl wants more from you than a casual hookup. If she is asking you for more information about your life, then you need to take note. A girl may want to know more about you if she is having feelings after that casual hookup. She may want to know your daily schedule, your hobbies, your friends, your family relationships, your background and your job. While there is nothing wrong with talking about basic things like hobbies, you would not want to talk about your daily schedules, your family relationships or your friends. Your antenna should go up if a girl wants to know more about your routines. Make sure you keep all of that information away from her from the beginning. If she asks you, let her know that this is personal information that you would rather keep to yourself.

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Seeking Your Approval

If a girl seeks out your approval about anything, it means that she values your opinion or looking for more than just that casual hookup. She may ask your opinion about a new haircut and what you felt about it. Or she may look for reassurance about what you find appealing. Let her know it is none of your business and whatever makes you happy is OK with you. She is not your girlfriend anyway and so what you think should not matter. It probably is just her way of getting you more involved in her life.

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Seeking Reassurance

She may also be interested in which of her potential competition may be calling or texting you. Or she may want to find out how you know a specific girl that she sees you friendly with. Well, she is looking for some kind of reassurance when she does this, hoping that you will indirectly let her know that you have no other person interested in you at the moment. This is when you have to set the record straight. Even if you have someone else interested in you, this is none of her business and you should not divulge such information. However, if you really want to get rid of her, let her know that there is a special person interested in you, even if it is not true.

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Contact Information

Once a girl shows that she likes you for more than the casual hookup, she is going to want you to be aware of it for the simple reason of your liking her back and sticking around. She will let you know in more ways than one that she has an interest in you other than casually. She will try to keep in touch by either text or email. If she already has your phone number or email address, then it might be time to change it. However, if you used a phone number or email address to make the initial contact with her, you should have been using a different contact medium anyway and not your primary phone number and email address.

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She Shows That She Cares

If she is showing too much that she cares about you by offering to do things for you, it is an effort to get your attention. She wants you to know that you could both turn a casual hookup into something else. Instead of rolling your eyes, try to talk some sense into her. Let her know that you might be interested in someone else and that you don't have any space in your life for her. If you want to get her to change her mind, you may have to make up this lie, if you have no one else in your life.

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The Introduction

Then comes the girl who wants to show you off to her friends. If she talks about introducing you to her friends, it is time to respectfully and gently tell her that you don't want. If she doesn't want to hear it, then you have to be firm. The only introduction you should have with her girlfriends is setting up a threesome. If that is the case, then your casual hookup just went to another level. Make sure you set certain guidelines before entering into any threesomes.

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Too Much Affection

If she shows signs of wanting too much affection and contact after sex, you should be on the alert that she is cozying up too much. Look for things like holding hands, touching while talking and trying to hug you after sex. Let her know that while you enjoyed the sex that is about it.

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Private Language

Some girls may want to make private jokes with you, give you compliments and create a nickname for you, teasing you about certain things. While this could be innocently playful, be aware that it could be her way of telling you that she wants more. If it becomes too uncomfortable and awkward, it is time to put your foot down and let her know without embarrassing or humiliating her that it is not cool.

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Excessive Flirting

If she is flirting with you more than normal, then you should try not to flirt back because women will see this as a sign of you wanting more from her too. You should let her know in no uncertain terms that the sexual hook up is all she can have from you.

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The Sexual Encounter

While you are having sex, if she focuses entirely on you with direct eye contact, calling your name or telling you how turned on you are, most of this could be innocent, but if it appears to be too much, watch out. This could be a warning sign that she wants more than just an orgasm. Try not to assume that it is innocent though because she could be sending you a signal. Make sure you indicate that this is just a casual hookup and nothing serious.

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The Booty Call

If she tries to make contact with you by texting you like crazy every day, then you have an obvious stalker on your hands. The only time you should be speaking to her is to arrange a booty call. If she calls more than once soon after the booty call, then you have a case of stalking on your hands. It is time to call the just kidding. But, it is time to nip that in the bud.

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The Morning After

If she seem to be lingering behind after the booty call instead of bolting from the room to let her friends know how awesome you are in bed, this is cause for concern. Let it be known off the bat that the booty call was just that and nothing more. If she tries to stick around, show her the door quickly without being a jerk.

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Going On Dates

If she calls or text you to go on a date with her, that is not cool. She needs to be told that this is not a relationship, but a hookup. Hook up buddies do not plan dates or go on dates. That is for the traditional relationship. So, maybe she needs to be schooled. Let her know the difference.

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Drunken Encounter

If she hints that she cannot help liking you a lot and calls you when she is drunk, you may want to wait until she gets sober to explain the situation to her. Don't let her drunkenness stop you from getting the matter straightened out. They way you get to know exactly what someone is thinking or has in their heart when they are drunk. So the fact that she might have called you while drunk doesn't mean that she is not aware of what she is doing or saying. If you are not up to talking to her right away, tell one of your friends what you are going through so you can get some advice and support as you try to figure it all out yourself.

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No Love Lost

Your antenna should go up if she utters the word, "love" in a sentence directed at you. "I Love You" should never be part of the conversation. This should be an off topic and you need to make that known upfront before the sexual encounter even takes place. Remember, this hookup is casual with no strings attached. Love should be left to the traditional relationship. The heart should not be on display in a casual hookup. This is just hit and go and you should let it be known without being insensitive.

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The Appropriate Response

Not every sign should be construed as her wanting more, but you don't want to let any of these signs go without the appropriate response. Don't assume anything. Be at your best game. Be attentive and be mindful that you are and should act as a free agent, keeping all your options open.

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The Cardinal Rule

Keep your feelings to yourself when you are going to hook up casually with someone. This is the cardinal rule that should not be broken. But, be forewarned that the intimacy of sex can take you to that place where you didn't want to go. The same is true for the woman. Going into a casual hookup means that you have to hold yourself accountable for removing all feelings and you should probably let her know that this is what you want from her as well. If you have to mention that you are seeing someone else or have a date with someone else, by all means do so and look at her reaction. If she doesn't react to it in a seemingly jealous way, then she is ready for a casual hookup. If she seems uneasy with it, then you have to lay out the ground rules right away. It can be stressful and awkward if your hookup partner falls for you, but you can nip it in the bud, if it appears to be going in that direction.


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