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Girls In Arlington For A One Night Standin Texas
Learn About rbmoore6400 Request Friend Status »
  • Date of Birth? 43
  • Sexual Status: straightsingle man
  • Images: 5Public

Latest Status: Reborn & Recharged!

City: Arlington , Texas

Bio: Hello all you beautiful girls in cyberspace! I'm not exactly Brad Pitt, but I am loyal, honest, and willing to learn just about anything. My name is Richard and I just turned thirty-seven (aarrrgghhh!). Please excuse me, I am new to this kinda thing. I am active in church (just joined a new one close to me). I play guitar and enjoy just about everything from reading to sports to just staying at home and watching a movie. I have no babes and have never been close to getting married (don't worry, I'm not a social reject). I'm 5' 9" and weigh 180 lbs. I have receding (ouch!) brown hair and hazel eyes. I just started a new job after moving back to Arlington after a four year absence. I work as a fast food manager, and I am just getting back on my feet. But don't worry, I'm not a life long loser! I have been through much in my life but do not carry any baggage as a result of the Good Lord and His graces. Honestly I've gone through a rough past few years, but it has made me a stronger, more compassionate man. I hope you are open-minded and not too judgmental as I am a humble and open guy. I hope I have given you some insight as to my personality. I hope you respond as I look forward to talking with you. Best of success in all life brings us... Sincerely, Richard My Interests are church, reading, playing guitar, listening to music, swimming, exercising, camping, Dallas Cowboys and the Dallas Stars My Best feature is compassion for others. If I won millions I would first buy a house and pay off my Mom's and then travel the world and share my wealth and Christianity with all Earth's citizens. If I could have lunch with anyone, it would be difficult to name just one person, but I would have to say Barack Obama because I want to hear his ideas firsthand on the direction of America.

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